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"Every revolution was first a thought in one man's mind."

→Ralph Waldo Emerson

The first wayfarer of Jasmine Revolution Mohamed Bouazizi didn't even know that he was to start the world's most puissant revolution in the world history before setting himself fire.

18 December 2010 to 14 January 2011 and the degeneracy of 2 era ruler of Tunisia

Zine El Abidine.

Jasmine Revolution led by Tunisian people made to base pillar of Arab Spring which led the whole Arabian chastisement system  in a new way. And may be this why it's said that it's impossible to bound a revolution by the barbed wire of borders. Because ideas are bulletproof and immortal. 

But the illiterate Arabs couldn't make out the wisecrack of Arab Spring because it needs a very educated nation which is absent in many countries in the world still now.

The absence of well educated generation  suffers in way which can be considered as humiliation of a country and the phenomena is just like: Free like a bird but also bounded. 

And the recent activities in Sudan is an another version of Arab Spring which is like Arab Spring 2.0 . 

The author is a student at Department of Criminology, University Of Dhaka.
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